

the Spanish regime





the Spanish regime

Butternut Squash Nachos - easy and healthy clean-eating recipe for Mexico's Independence Day. Perfect appetizer for last barbecues with fall flavor.Butternut-butternut-buddana-banana….try saying butternut 10 times in a row very fast, haha! Did I ever tell you I loooove all squashes and that I am the happiest person on the planet that fall is around the corner and squashes are going to pop up everywhere DR REBORN? I don’t think I used to have a favourite season before moving to Montreal. Can you imagine? In Germany all 4 seasons are kind of mild. Winter is not too cold, summer is not too hot, spring is gorgeous and fall, too so it’s hard to not like one season or to love one over the other. Summer was probably my least favorite, mostly because of the bugs. I’m not a bug friend. However, I didn’t hate it. I still enjoyed it quite a bit. In Mexico there is pretty much rain season and not rain season so that doesn’t really count as seasons and in London there was only a little rain or a lot of rain all year round theradome.

Here in Montreal I DESPISE winter. It is getting better. Don’t get me wrong. Humans are incredibly adaptable, I am incredibly adaptable, but “better” is FAAAAR from good or ok and I still detest it. Spring is basically non-existant because all the snow melts during that time of year converting the city into one giant mud whole and then comes the amazing summer joyetech cuboid 150w. As mentioned above, I was never a big summer lover, my skin-tone kind of doesn’t make me a beach or pool side person but after Montreal’s winters summer feels quite amazing and even I do stay in the sun every once in a while to try and warm up in the hope it might last through winter. Now, faaaall guys, fall is the absolute most beautifullest-fullest-fullest ever here. The leaves do not only become brown, they become, brown, yellow, bright red and sparkly all at the same time. The wind comes back (in summer it seems it sleeps), the breeze smells amazing, the sun is still warm enough to only wear a light cardigan or even t-shirt on some days but doesn’t burn, the humidity is gone, the squashes and apples start popping up at every corner, schooool staaaaarts *aham*. It get’s darker earlier and it becomes easier to put the kids to bed in time…….Fall, I adore you!

On the 16th of September Mexico celebrates its Independence from the Spanish regime. Now Butternut Squash Nachos are not exactly typically Mexican but is my husband or my kids anymore? My husband was born and raised in Mexico, has Mexican parents and grandparents, but has lived abroad now for over 4 years. My kids are the craziest mixture of cultures you might imagine. There is a lot of Mexican in them, no doubt, but there is also a lot German and a lot Canadian in them now. Our time in Britain I think they have forgotten by now. They were too small to remember. This dish is an ode to my family’s multiculturalism. A Mexico-Canadian dish to celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day! QUE VIVA MEXICO!!!



No Name Ninja