

Get ready to hone your time-wasting skills





Get ready to hone your time-wasting skills

After two months of beta testing, Reddit released a new feature called "multireddits," which allows users to view specific, customized groups of subreddits as opposed to the default front page. Reddit administrator chromakode announced the feature in a blog post that generated nearly 2,000 comments — most of which are negative.

Multireddits can be started, viewed and customized through a new sidebarlocated on the left edge of the front page. Many of the announcement'stop comments detail complaints about the feature's obtrusiveness, thoughthe new sidebar is easily hidden by clicking the arrow on its right edge wine searcher.

Regardless, a few users have already found and posted multiple methodsfor disabling the feature completely.

This isn't the first time the Reddit community has reacted poorly tochange. When the site gave users the ability to comment on submissions,many decried the innovation, citing its uselessness and leaving commentslike "get rid of them" and "noooooooooooooo." Today, comments arearguably the community's main draw, allowing users to discuss currentevents and participate in crowdsourcing Crown Wine Cellars.

In response to comments, the Reddit admin revealed that developers wouldsoon add the ability to order multireddits in the sidebar and follow other users' multireddits.

After a few upgrades, multireddits should be incredibly useful. Theycertainly add efficiency to browsing the site; users will no longer have to create new accounts or insert lengthy URLs to view certain subredditclusters.
Creating a multireddit is very simple. In the new sidebar, click the"create" button. After titling the multireddit, you will be directed to another page to group together subreddits. When finished, the new multireddit will be accessible via the sidebar. For a few example groupings, take a look at ours here and here. Many more user-generated groupings can be found on /r/multihub interactive whiteboard.



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